Out of the Office

out of office
When I send out my monthly newsletter, it's interesting to see the variety of 'Out of Office' messages that come back.

Some are more helpful than others.

They vary from the simple "I'm out of the office until (date)", to the more informative or more specific.

- If you need to contact me urgently here's my mobile number.
- I'm not available but here's another person to talk to.
- If you're calling about a specific topic, have a specific request - contact this alternate number.
- I will/won't be checking my emails while I'm away.
- I'll be checking my emails periodically and will get back to you as soon as possible.
- I'm away on business ...
- I'm out in client meetings all day ...
- I'm on holiday until ...

I've even received a very specific one - along the lines of:

"I'm out of the office until (date). I will be checking my email at (time), I will respond to your email if it's urgent the same day, otherwise I will reply by the following day.  If you need to talk to someone urgently, please contact (person + contact details)".

Out of Office auto-responses are useful for setting expectations - the sender knows you're away and when you're returning.  They also have an alternate contact if needed.

Remember to switch them off when you return - set a reminder in your scheduler.

Do you use them - what's on yours?
out of office (Photo credit: Victor Bezrukov)

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